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Track through historic goldmining site.

Haere mai

TVNZ’s Endangered Species Aotearoa with Forest & Bird airs every Monday from 3 March at 7.30 pm on TVNZ1. Watch DOC rangers and scientists share what makes New Zealand’s endangered species special.


02 March 2025

Get to know: marine mammals

Nearly half of the world’s dolphins and whales spend their time in New Zealand’s oceans. At least 26 species of whale and 15 species of dolphins can be spotted here. Here are some identification tricks to keep up you’re sleeve, if you’re fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of one!


Fast-track Approvals Act and DOC

Fast-track Approvals Act and DOC

DOC considers the impact of Fast-track projects on public conservation land, waters and wildlife.

DOC statement: ELI vs DOC - S53 Wildlife Act - Mt Messenger

DOC statement: ELI vs DOC - S53 Wildlife Act - Mt Messenger

DOC has received the Mt Messenger Wildlife Act Authority High Court decision.

Donate to DOC nature projects

Donate to DOC nature projects

We need your help to grow funding for nature. By donating to these DOC nature projects you can help protect endangered species and habitats.

Pureora Hunting Competition

Pureora Hunting Competition

The 2025 Pureora Hunting Competition is a free annual competition for wild deer taken from the Pureora Forest Park during the competition period. It's open until 27 April.

Media releases

World’s largest turtle inspires international research

World’s largest turtle inspires international research

Experts from the United States, Australia and Aotearoa are taking flight from Whakatāne to learn more about Critically Endangered leatherback turtles.

DOC urges dog owners to act after nine kiwi killed

DOC urges dog owners to act after nine kiwi killed

The Department of Conservation (DOC) is investigating after nine kiwi were found dead in the Wharengaere area of Purerua, eastern Northland – six since mid-February. Most show signs of trauma consistent with dog attacks.

Work underway to repair Coromandel Walkway

Work underway to repair Coromandel Walkway

Work is underway to repair a damaged section of the Coromandel Walkway.

Vulnerable Milford landfill to be cleaned up

Vulnerable Milford landfill to be cleaned up

Work to clean up an historic landfill 2.5 km south of Milford Sound Piopiotahi is due to begin in April.